Simple, Robust, & Creative Vlogging Kits for Your iPhone

Vlogging is a turn of the century form of media.  With the invention and widespread use of cellphones, more individuals with something to say or share have a medium in which to create and spread their messages almost instantly. Modern cellular devices have allowed individuals to create, record, edit, and share their stories and life experiences, often doing so while in the moment.

What are Vlogging Kits? Vlogging kits are modular rigs for cellphones with enhanced video shooting and audio. These out-of-the-box kits are engineered for enhanced stability and mobility and have the capability for many additional accessories to be included in the platform. With the addition of supplemental lighting and audio devices, a simple iPhone can be turned into a powerful and mobile vlogging studio.

Having a cellular device is not quite enough in order to create a professional vlog. Fortunately, there are companies that have caught on the desires and wants of vloggers. A whole slew of devices has been created for iPhone specifically.

The Various Needs of Vloggers

Filmography has always been a constantly adaptive field. As technology marches forward, so does the manufacturing of equipment available for media creation. It becomes hard to tell whether supply equals demand or demand equals supply because of the constant feedback in this field.

Vlogging encompasses many different styles of production, from the desktop Youtuber to the inventive journalist to the investigative reporter. Here are some examples of how your needs my vary:

  • Some vloggers have minimal needs, such as a Youtuber interested in doing product reviews and unboxing on their channel. Supplemental light and mildly enhanced audio may be all that is required.
  • Action-oriented vloggers who cover sporting events may have more demanding needs to be met. They may need to be able to enhance the picture quality captured by their iPhone and to have digital audio recording equipment to muffle the sounds of a crowd. Their vlogging platforms need to be sturdy and capable of taking a little shock because, in that kind of environment, it will happen on a long enough timeline.
  • Journalists and travel vloggers need to have highly mobile equipment, capable of being adjusted on the fly. They often only have one chance to get the audio or video they need to create a story worth sharing or needing to be told. Rain, sleet, or snow, they may always need to be ready for any environment.

As you can see, the needs of vloggers are by necessity varied and adaptive. Just as vloggers come from many different backgrounds and stories, so do their needs. In order to capture their production value, their equipment can range from a simple setup for the chef at home, to the starving artist looking for their next big story.

The kits offered on the market are simple, robust, and by necessity, creative. The field of filmography has always been driven by creatives, and people who just can’t leave things be. They tinker with reality, sharing stories, visions, conversation, and ultimately can influence and alter the perception of people around them. Their equipment needs to meet their vision.

A Little for All

The kits listed in this reading are a brief introduction into the world of vlogging equipment. There is a little bit for everyone, from entry level to professionals. There is a lot to consider when choosing the right equipment for you as a vlogger.

  • Do you require high-performance audio?
  • Do you need a platform capable of being fitted with multiple lenses?
  • How important is picture stability for you?
  • Do you need to highly mobile?
  • Do you need to highly mobile?
  • What is the risk of your vlogging rig to the elements?

The kits provided here are all modular and capable of being outfitted with numerous attachments. Some of them are handheld and can be attached to a tripod for extra stability when shooting. There are those made of high-quality lightweight metal, capable of not only protecting your device but having a whole assembly of light and audio equipment attached. Others are designed to fit into a backpack for spur of the moment recording and production.

Creatives are often on the cusp of everything new and risky, to the environments they put themselves into the investments they make with their time and money. Every vlogger starts with an idea, and the creation of their vision often depends on their equipment. It is very much a real representation of the adage, “The tools make the man.”

Remember, you aren’t building a boat. Have fun.

Down to Business

Here is a list of complete vlogging product kits from various companies that are currently available for iPhone devices. These are already put together kits and a brief description of their manufacturers. Many of these kits are capable of out-of-the box performance, some may need assembly, but nothing too serious.

Entry Level Kits for Beginning Vloggers

The following kits are designed for individuals who may have been toying around with the idea of starting a blog or are new to filmography. While they may be entry level, they won’t break the bank, and might even be just what the doctor ordered. This set of kits are very affordable and offer the bare minimum for people looking to start vlogging.

Tubace Smartphone Video Kit Ranger Starter
This kit is ideal for individuals looking for a desktop vlogging kit. Someone with an idea for a YouTube channel would most likely benefit the most from this kit. It comes with a small dual-purpose tripod and handgrip as well as a Tubace shotgun mic with a more traditional 3.5-millimeter jack with two windscreens.

Price: $44.96

FULAIM Smartphone Rig
This is another kit that is ideal for desktop recordings. It offers a high-quality shotgun microphone with included wind muffs and a tripod with a cellphone rig.  A perfect buy for anyone who is interested in vlogging at their desk, or even starting a Let’s Play.

Price: $49.99

Saramonic Cellphone Videomaking Kit
This single grip vlogging rig comes with a quality audio mixer with adjustable inputs. This lets a vlogger monitor and playback recorded audio on the fly and adjust as necessary. This would be a good starting kit for vloggers who focus on a more journalistic approach for their content.

Price: $164.95

Nugilla LED Ring Light with Cellphone Tripod
This simple vlogging kit has a 10” LED ring light to provide shadowless and even lighting. The light has adjustable brightness and 3 different modes of color, which can help a vlogger achieve different shooting effects. This is a good kit for an at-home vlogger to start with.

Price: $24.99

Ulanzi Pocket Rig
This rig is a highly portable single grip vlogging platform that comes complete with an LED light and shotgun microphone. The Ulanzi Pocket Rig is the lightest unit on this list. The rig also can be attached to a tripod for increased stability when shooting.

Price: $59.99

Professional and Studio Quality Kits

These kits have been designed and manufactured by companies that have a history in filmography. When the demand of vloggers for better equipment grew, many of these companies began to create kits in order to satisfy the needs of vloggers who wanted a little more out of their equipment. Their manufacturing prowess has easily shifted into vlogging, and they provide high-quality modular components.

Some of these companies got their start with creating equipment for vlogging, such as Beastgrip. Others have longstanding traditions in the audio field or filmography and have created a product to fill the demands of vloggers and producers, such as Shure. These product kits are for those looking to get high-quality equipment for high-quality shooting.

Many of the kits and devices here have been specifically designed for use with Apple iPhones. Shure has even gone so far as having audio mixing programs developed as an app for Apple. This is where a vlogger with an iPhone will really get the biggest bang for their buck.

iOgrapher Professional Kits

iOgrapher is a company that specializes in making high-quality kits for cellular and tablet video and audio capture. They have created a whole slew of quality components for vlogging and movie production. They offer entry-level rigs and accessories that a vlogger can spice up in order to get that perfect platform.

iOgrapher Basic Phone Kit
This affordable kit includes a mini tripod with flexible legs that can be adjusted to fit many positions, including to wrap around small objects such as posts or tree limbs in order to capture shots from many creative angles. The rig for the phone itself has two handles on either side of the phone, allowing for maximum stability while capturing a moving picture. Also included is a shotgun mike that can capture high quality sound in any environment.

Price: $155.98

iOgrapher Social Media Influencer Bundle
This kit is a nice medium ground for the products that iOgrapher offers. It comes with the iOgrapher rig for the iPhone itself as well as the flexible mini tripod. The additional equipment in this kit is the included led light and gorilla arms used to hold them as well as a mini led ring. This kit also includes an iRig lavalier microphone for enhanced audio recording.

Price: $303.11

iOgrapher Ultimate Vlogging Equipment Bundle for iPhone
This is an all-inclusive kit for those ready to take the plunge into blogging at full tilt. This package includes the above-mentioned equipment in the Basic Phone Kit by iOgrapher as well as a slew of high-quality components to enhance the capabilities of the iPhone in recording and audio. This kit also includes a mini tripod with flexible legs and a telescoping tripod for standing shoots, which is both lightweight and designed to handle heavy use.

The bundle includes:

  • A wide-angle lens and a 2X’s lens for magnification or zooming.
  • An iRig lavalier is also included in the kit, providing high quality sound recording with audio jacks for additional microphones and headsets.
  • iOgrapher’s ring light to provide supplemental lighting for low-light shots.
  • Last, but not least, an iOgrapher branded backpack is included for the ease of traveling with all the components packed safely away.

Price: $459.90

Movo, Filmography Equipment at its Finest

Movo is a company that develops professional audio and video equipment. They offer a wide array of quality equipment for camera rigs and develop their own microphones. Movo also provides smartphone kits for vloggers and journalists, their focus being in handheld rigs for on-the-go shooting and audio capture.

Their experience in creating equipment for media professionals shows in the quality of their products. They offer equipment for DSLR video shooting and professional microphones designed for use in filmography. Their experience in creating equipment for professional shoots was not lost when they began to create equipment for cellular devices.

Movo PR-2-PM Smartphone Video Kit
This is a basic kit that covers the essentials required for any vlogger. It includes and handheld grip with a strap for increased stability while shooting as well as a Movo shotgun microphone with a windscreen to dull noise in windy shooting locations.

Price: $54.95

Movo PR2 Mojo Bundle
This is a simple dual grip rig for your cellphone, the dual grip allows for enhanced stability during shooting that a vlogger doesn’t get with a single grip rig. The rig has a built-in bubble level and includes a shotgun microphone, and 54-bulb LED light.

Price: $99.95

Movo Smartphone Video Kit V6
This bundle comes complete with all the basic equipment a vlogger could want in getting off the ground. It comes with the PR-1 smartphone hand grip rig, which features a strap and built-in bubble level. The included mini microphone VXR-2060 has multiple settings that can be set by the user for maximum effectiveness, depending on the shooting environment.

Also, supplemental light is included with the LED30, an LED light with multiple brightness settings. The kit comes complete with a remote, so you can set up your iPhone for selfies or vlogs without the fuss of running back and forth.

Price: $89.95

Sevenoak Smartcine
This is an all-in-one video shooting kit by Movo. It has a built-in light and microphone and comes with two additional lenses, a wide-angle and fisheye lens. This kit is perfect for mobile vloggers who don’t want to fuss with their equipment between shoots as everything

Price: $99.95

Movo HUGE Smartphone Video Production Kit V8
This is a kit that comes complete with all equipment needed to shoot in an array of environments. It comes complete with a handgrip smartphone rig that is attachable to the included tabletop tripod. The kit includes four different microphones, the Movo VXR10 Shotgun microphone, and the VXR20 Stereo microphones, as well as the WMIC10 wireless mic and MA2010 mini microphone. For lighting, the kit has two different options of LED lights for various lighting needs.

Price: $449.95

Comica, an Audio Specialist

Comica specializes in developing audio equipment. A quick perusal of their website will allow you so see that they provide a whole host of equipment for any professional’s audio needs. Fortunately, they have also decided to build and sell an introductory kit for vloggers. Perfect for vloggers who value high-quality audio.

Comica Smartphone Video Kit: This is a simple entry-level kit designed for vloggers who are just cutting their teeth on the idea of vlogging. It comes with the CVM-VM10-K2 high-quality microphone with a mount designed to reduce shock and a wind muff. The kit includes a multipurpose tabletop tripod that easily transforms into a handgrip for on the go video capture.

Price: $65.99

Shure, Intentional Audio

Shure is another company that specializes in creating high-quality audio equipment. They have microphones specialized for those of the musical inclination for vocalists and instrumentalists alike. This company is really on its audio game industry and have designed some of their audio equipment to take full advantage of an iPhone’s lightning port. They utilize the full effectiveness of Apple products as media platforms.

MV88+ Video Kit: This kit comes complete with a tabletop tripod that like others, can easily be folded into a handgrip. The microphone included in the kit, Shure’s MV88+ digital microphone, can connect directly to your devices without the use of any adapter via the lightning charger port. What really makes this product stand out is that it is specifically made for Apple devices, and have an app developed by Shure for the Apple IOS.

Price: $249.00

Dreamgrip, Holding a Dream

Dreamgrip is a company that develops a modular rig for cellphone filmography. They are relative newcomers to the field but have made an impression due to the quality of their equipment.

Dreamgrip Evolution Pro
This is Dreamgrip’s basic kit, which offers their Universal Transformable Evolution Rig, and comes two additional lenses complete with hoods and blinders. This kit is a great buy for any beginner vlogger due to the ease of which accessories can be added as the skill of the user grows.

Price: $99.00

Evolution Mojo: This is Dreamgrip’s advanced kit for vloggers and journalists. It has the same equipment as their Evolution Pro kit but comes with LED lights built specifically for the Dreamgrip Rig. The Mojo kit also includes a Dreamgrip Gun microphone.

Price $189.00

Puluz Studio Equipment

Puluz, this company creates professional photography equipment designed around the use of cellular devices. They offer everything from lights to vlogging rigs to lightboxes for taking studio-quality photos.

Puluz Smartphone Video Rig Kit
This kit offers a rig for your phone, and studio-quality battery operated LED light, a shotgun microphone, and a tripod.

Price: $53.99

Puluz Vlogging Live Broadcast Kit
This product stands out from everything else on this list in that this kit has a tripod with a large LED ring light centered around the cellphone rig. This allows for great lighting and effects when delivering a presentation. This kit would be fantastic for a vlogger.

Price: $59.99

Puluz Live Broadcast Vlogging Rig
This kit offered by Puluz contains the same basic equipment as the beforementioned rig. However, it has a unique rig system in which the rig itself also can act as a tripod. The LED light offered in this kit is a ring light that allows for the lighting to pull out the details in photographs and videos. The kit is completed with a shotgun microphone.

Price: $55.99

Beastgrip, iPhone Aficionado

Beastgrip has been touted as creating high-quality vlogging rigs for cellphones. The really great thing about the rigs offered by Beastgrip is that the rigs themselves are heavily modifiable, being able to be modified for whatever shooting needs may arise. Beastgrips products are very robust, being made of anodized aluminum and capable of taking a beating and maintaining integrity.

Beastgrip offers a variety of lenses and adapters to allow the use of third party lenses and offers RODE audio equipment on its website.

Although not a bundle, this compact rig is so impressive it deserves to be mentioned here. This anodized aluminum cage for an iPhone has multiple mounts, a cold shoe mount, and a 37mm threaded lens mount. This is a powerful compact rig system that really utilizes the form factor of an iPhone effectively.

Price: $139.99

Beastgrip Pro + Wide Angle Lens Bundle
This bundle offers Beastgrips an acclaimed modular cellphone rig and a wide-angle lens. Unfortunately, the kit does not include a microphone, but for what you are getting, a separate purchase of a microphone is a small annoyance.

Price: $165.95

Beastgrip Pro + Wide Angle Lens and Fisheye Lens Bundle
This kit offers the exact same as the other Beastgrip bundle mentioned here but has the inclusion with a fisheye lens. This is a great kit for those looking to get great shots outside. Unfortunately, there is no microphone included in this kit.

Price: $195.99

Built for Your Needs

This is not a comprehensive list of every manufacturer or type of product available for vlogging. As you can see, vlogging rigs for cellular devices are mostly modular. This allows a vlogger or film producer to modify their vlogging setup on the fly, depending on their shooting requirements or environmental conditions. These are full kits ready to be used for professional shooting right out-of-the-box.

There are several companies that do not offer kits but instead focus on creating fantastic accessories for vlogging platforms. For instance, Hohem is a company that focuses on creating gimbals for cell phone videography. Their iSteady gimbal is motorized, allowing for cinematically smooth shooting. With a little creativity on behalf of the vlogger, this can be used to great effect.

As creatives, vloggers sometimes must get creative in order to get the shot they want or may have a difficult position or environment. I want to encourage you to do your own research in order to purchase the equipment and build a vlogging rig that fits your specific needs.

Can You Really Vlog with Just an iPhone?

Apple products have long held a dear place in the hearts of many designers and graphic artists. Apple creates all its computing components specifically for its devices and therefore have a high quality of craftsmanship that hasn’t waned over the years. Their devices have also been acclaimed of having the best workflow and ease-of-use with smooth transitions from one application to the next.

Not only has Apple designed the devices with intention, with the flow of work being meticulously thought out for each device they offer, but the transfer of work from one Apple device to another is also just as seamless. Vloggers who take what they do seriously have an easy choice when it comes to deciding what device to use for their productions.

There are several reasons as to why a beginning vlogger should choose an iPhone as their main device for recording:

  • iPhones are known to have great picture resolution and stay competitive in the market with each new production.
  • Each device is well built with a solid true and tested OS, and a buyer will get years of use out of each device.
  • Apple products are seamlessly integrated, being able to transfer files from one to the next with no loss of quality.
  • Apple is known for its customer service and product warranty, meaning that if you suffer a device failure, you can rest assured that your device will be fixed or replaced in no time at all.
  • An individual can record, edit, and produce just from one device due to the number of available applications there are in the Apple store, and the power provided with each Apple device.

In addition to the design of Apple products being meticulous, most products already have a video editing software that comes pre-installed on their devices. iMovie is one such program that is a user-friendly video editor. Adobe software is also made available for use with an Apple device.

An Apple iPhone is all a vlogger really needs in order to get started vlogging. With the addition of a rig with lights, professional recording equipment, and quality editing software, an individual has the ability to roll out quality productions anywhere they have cellular service.

Dan Sanchez, MBA

Dan Sanchez is a marketing director, host of the AI-Driven Marketer podcast, and blogger on a mission to help marketers leverage AI to move faster, do better, and think smarter. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) in Marketing Management from Western Governors University. Learn more about Dan »

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