I Want to Be a Marketer When I Grow Up
by Dan Sanchez
Inspire your kids to learn about a career and a skill set with never-ending possibilities. Marketing is creativity applied to real-world problems that can be used to gain employment, start businesses, influence others, or change the world!
Together, you can unpack the magic of marketing.
Explore the World of Marketing Through Kid’s Eyes
The world is full of problems. Problems that can be fixed with just a little bit of marketing magic.
Join Dan as he shares how the three components of marketing can be used to help his friends sell cookies, run for class president, and lobby for their favorite playground slide. It’s a journey full of strategic thinking, fairy dust, and a little bit of weirdness.

What Parents Are Saying
“My kids couldn’t stop laughing. Now they call every slide a bunsen burner… ”
“Dan makes the core concepts of marketing so simple my toddler finally understands what it is daddy does”
“My little 6-year-old loves coming into my office and seeing what I do. This book was right in her lane”
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